July 2014
EHEDG certifies Marcegaglia stainless steel tubes for food & beverage applications
Three tests on each surface, both pickled and bright annealed. Each time the results (comparable to each other) were the same: Marcegaglia stainless steel tubes for food & beverage applications can be classified as easy cleanable. The German-based EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group) certified in an official report the full compliance of Marcegaglia stainless steel tubes for food & beverage applications to their specific requirements. Marcegaglia, the world’s top producer of stainless steel tubes, is the first manufacturer of its kind to obtain such recognition. “Marcegaglia is acting on this stage since a long time” explains Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia “and as the world’s leading manufacturer we believe we have to be at the forefront of the sector. This is why we have strongly advocated the need to certify our products for food, dairy & beverage applications: thanks to our internal research and development team we have contributed, playing a leading role, to develop the new European Norm EN 10357, specific for austenitic, ferritic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steel welded tubes for the food and chemical industry. Moreover, we are proud to be the first producer on the market with a range of stainless steel welded tubes with Conformity Declaration to EC Regulation 1935/2004 certified by an independent technical body, TIFQ (Institute for the Hygienic Quality of Food Technology and Processes): the “glass & fork” symbol identifying food safe materials. And we are actively co-operating with other international bodies to further expand our quality certifications”, concludes Antonio Marcegaglia.
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